About Us

Get to know Highfield Farm.
About The Farm
Located near St Albans we are a mixed arable and livestock farm. Come visit us and enjoy a coffee, buy some locally produced eggs and cakes or get in touch for your event needs.
Meet The Farmer
Hello, I am Sion Hunter and I run Highfield Farm. I have been involved in farming all my life, both my parents are farmers, my mother is from a dairy background and my father is from an arable background.

I graduated from Moulton/Northampton University College in 2016 having completed a Bachelors Degree in Farm Business Management. I spent the next two years working at home on the family farm and then spent my winters in Western Australia working on a large arable farm.

In September 2020 my tender was accepted by Hertfordshire County Council to rent Highfield Farm on a 20 year FBT (Farm Business Tenancy). I have been working hard to produce high quality crops and other produce, as well as getting more local people in touch with where their food comes from.
What Crops Do We Grow?
Two Main Crops
The farm grows 2 main crops – Wheat is grown on two thirds of the farm each year, after its second growing season the ground is then left to rest and a break crop is grown. We typically use maize as a break crop. The wheat grown on the farm is a group 4 hard wheat. This means if it is a good quality crop at harvest it can be sold to make biscuits with a small premium. If the wheat does not make the grade it goes for animal feed. The wheat is also fed to our chickens as a treat, wheat packages can be purchased from our vending machine if you and the family would like to feed them.
Break Crop - Maize
Maize is grown on one third of the farm as a break crop. It is sown in the spring and is then harvested in the autumn. The maize is used by a local anaerobic digester plant, which is where microorganisms break down biodegradable material to produce fuel. They in turn create renewable electricity for local homes and businesses. A bi-product of this process also provides our next maize crop organic fertiliser to boost crop health and growth.
Environmental Schemes
At Highfield farm, it is important to us that we look after the countryside we care for the environment.

We have a variety of environmental plots across the farm – these include Wild bird seed, Bumble mix, and Buffer strips (used to capture potential nutrient run-off and reduce the risk of contaminating water courses.) For our low input grassland, we do not blanket spray herbicides or pesticides and use limited artificial fertiliser application. We also maintain grass as a permanent pasture.

Animals at Highfield Farm
As well as crops the farm is home to a range of livestock that you may see roaming around the farm
On the farm we rear sheep, who you may have seen grazing on the fields around Tyttenhanger, directly opposite the vending machine shed. These sheep are a Suffolk cross, meaning we get the best of the flavoursome meat that Suffolks offer, whilst also having the ease of lambing and the great mothering of a cross bread sheep.

All our lambs are typically grown for meat, they either head to Thame Market if prices are good or we also provide a lamb box scheme allowing local people the chance to taste the best local produce the farm produces, with as low a food miles as you can get. Get in contact if you are interested in purchasing lamb.

There are also nearly 300 free range chickens roaming the farm, all their eggs go directly into our onsite vending machine.

They are a mixture of Blacktail and ISA Brown chickens, these two breeds were selected for their reliable egg laying and great tasting eggs.

They are fed a mixture of wheat grown on the farm and specially selected layers pellets, which together create a perfectly balanced diet for our chickens. They are also free to root around the field and occasionally the yard for their own food..
Honey Bees also call Highfield Farm their home, we have 3 bee keepers on the farm with almost 12 hives between them that produce great quality local honey.

The bees will venture across the whole farm to collect pollen and nectar from the large variety of crops and flowers, helping to pollenate as they go. Keep an eye out for their hives when visiting the farm.

Their honey is also available in our vending machine shop.
Services We Offer
Visit Our Vending Machine
Field & Barn Hire
Hire A Bale
Hire An Ice Cream Bike